Supplication (Dua)

Invocations in Islam and the merits of the duas

The importance of dhikr, duas and the invocation of Allah is very great. There are many verses in the Quran on this subject.

The merits of the douas in the Quran

{ So mention/remember Me , I remember you , and thank/be grateful to Me and do not disbelieve . } [Surah 2, al Baqara - Verse 152]

{ That truly the Moslems/submitters (M) , and the Moslems/submitters (F), and the believers (M), and the believers (F), and the obeying humbly (M) , and the obeying humbly (F) , and the truthful (M), and the truthful (F), and the patient (M), and the patient (F), and the humble/submissive (M) , and the humble/submissive (F) , and the charity givers (M), and the charity givers (F), and the fasters (M) ,and the fasters (F) , and the protecting/observing (M) their genital parts between their (M) legs, and the protecting/observing (F) , and the mentioning/remembering God much, and the mentioning/remembering (F) , God prepared for them a forgiveness and a great reward . } [Surah 33, al Ahzab - Verse 35]

{ You, you those who believed, remember/mention God much remembering/mentioning . } [Surah 33, al Ahzab - Verse 41]

{ And remember/mention your Lord in your self humbly and humiliated, and hiddenly/secretly and other than the publicized/declared from the saying/opinion and belief at the early morning , and the evenings to sunsets , and do not be from the ignoring/disregarding. } [Surah 7, al A'raf - Verse 205]

The merits of the invocation in the Sunna

In a hadith reported by Imam al Bukhari, the Messenger of Allah (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "The difference between one who calls on his Lord and whoever does not invoke it is like the difference between the living and the dead. "In another narrative narrated by at-Tirmidhi and Ibn Maja, the prophet (sallallahou 'alayhi wa sallam) said:" Do you want me to tell you which is the best of your actions, the purest for your Lord, who lifts you to the highest degree, which is better for you than to give alms of your gold and your silver, and better than to meet your enemy and to strike him in the neck or that he hits you on the neck? They said, "Yes. "He replied," The invocation of Allah. "

In the same sense, Allah said in a hadh qudoussi reported by al Bukhari and Muslim, the prophet (sallallahou 'alayhi wa sallam) said: "Allah said: " I am for my servant what he thinks I am, and I will be with him each time he evokes Me, if He evokes Me in him, I will evoke him in Me, if he evokes Me in an assembly, I will evoke it in a better assembly. And if he approaches a span, I will approach a cubit and if he approaches a cubit, I will approach him from an armful. And if he comes to the walk, I will hastily go to him. "

Also, a man questioned the Messenger of Allah. (sallallahu 'alayhi wa sallam) in these words: "O Messenger of Allah! There are too many Islamic laws for me, tell me something I will hold on to. He replied, "May your tongue never cease to invoke Allah. "

Among the other hadiths on the merits of dhikr and invocation: "Anyone who sits in a place without invoking Allah will be a loss to him. And whoever lies down in a place without invoking Allah, it will be a loss for him. "The prophet (sallallahou 'alayhi wa sallam) also says:" When a group of people sits down without mentioning Allah and praying over their Prophet, it will be for them a breach. If He wills He will punish them and if He wills, He will forgive them. "

Hisnul Muslim

Hisnul Muslim is a book which brings together the majority of everyday invocations in the life of the Muslim. All the doua in the citadel of the Muslim are taken from authentic Hadiths according to the opinion of the majority of scholars. Below is the list of supplications:

Tue 19 Rabi' II
الثلاثاء 19 ربيع الآخر

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