Muslim Name
Muslim Arabic Name
First of all, it is important to point out that there are no Muslim first names as such. Originally, all first names are allowed as long as they are not in contradiction with the dogmas of Islam or can harm the person who wears it. You can not call your son Iblis for example or even less our Creator Allah soubhanahou wa ta'ala. You also need to know that an Arabic name is not necessarily a Muslim name. Finally, and this is for converts to Islam, know that changing his name is not an obligation.
You can very well call yourself Paul or Christine and be Muslim. This is not contradictory. But out of love for this religion, out of love for our pious predecessors, out of love for the prophets, the Arabs and Muslims have a habit of naming their children by names heavy with history. That's why you will find below a list of modern, rare and ancient first names most commonly used by Arabs and Muslims around the world.
Sat 9 Sha'bane
السبت 9 شعبان
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