Minimalism in Islam: How to live with less

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Blog sur l'islam et les musulmans

minimalism in islam how to live with less

Minimalism in Islam: How to live with less

What is Minimalism? Simplicity, clarity, singleness: These are the attributes that give our lives power and vividness and joy as they are also the marks of great art. — Richard Holloway Minimalism, in simple terms, means living with less. It is an alternative to consumerism and a subtle concept to … [lire la suite]

ruwa romman an inspiring muslim woman ran for office in georgia

Ruwa Romman: An Inspiring Muslim woman ran for office in Georgia

Rowa Romman, Community leader and organizer, became the first Muslim woman that had run for office in Georgia. Not only did she run, but the proud Georgian woman won the primary for Georgia’s 97th State House District, The Story Exchange reported. She won both counties and held a 318 vote … [lire la suite]

companions of the prophet pbuh hazrat abu dharr ghifari

Companions of the Prophet (PBUH): Hazrat Abu Dharr Ghifari

Among the companions of the Prophet (PBUH), Abu Dharr Ghifari, named Jundub ibn Junadah was associated with the Ghifar tribe. He is known as a courageous, far-sighted, and loyal companion of the Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him) who sacrificed his life to defend Islam from all kinds … [lire la suite]

five 5 inspiring attributes of a muslim father

Five (5) Inspiring Attributes of a Muslim father

As a male parent, do you often feel that mothers take all the limelight in parenting; and the recognition and acknowledgment go to mothers alone? If your response is a yes, then we hear you. This article will discuss five (5) inspiring attributes of a Muslim father and how fathers … [lire la suite]

is gratitude the secret to happiness teachings from the quran and sunnah

Is Gratitude the secret to happiness: Teachings from the Quran and Sunnah

Did you say Alhamdulillah today? We all possess this habit of saying thanks to The Almighty, but what does it mean to say Shukr or be grateful? Is gratitude the secret to happiness in the modern world? We will explore the elements of gratitude and what the Quran and Sunnah … [lire la suite]

texas muslim community leaders addressed mental health at a conference

Texas: Muslim Community Leaders addressed Mental Health at a Conference

Muslim community leaders addressed mental health at a conference in Sugarland, Texas, Houston Chronicle reported on May 14, 2022. This event turned out to be a one-of-its-kind conference as the often-tabooed topic of mental health received due highlights. Mental Health Awareness Week happened from 9 to 15 May 2022, with … [lire la suite]

women companions of the prophet pbuh nusaybah bint kaab

Women Companions of the Prophet (PBUH): Nusaybah bint Ka’ab

In today’s world, when Muslim women have been under a strict radar regarding their religious, social, and emotional practices, they tend to look for role models and specific influential figures in history whom they can follow. If we conduct thorough research, we will find sufficient inspiring women who proved their … [lire la suite]

how to be a mindful mother islamic insights on mindfulness in motherhood

How To Be A Mindful Mother: Islamic Insights On Mindfulness In Motherhood

Motherhood is difficult. If you are having a hard time taking care of your baby and have found yourself asking, what almost all mothers ask themselves more often than not, am I a good mom? Am I raising my child right? Know that with all the responsibilities you have, it … [lire la suite]

why charity is important in islam 5 inspiring hadith on giving alms

Why Charity is Important in Islam – 5 Inspiring Hadith on giving alms

What is Charity in Islam? ‘Who is he that will loan Allah a beautiful loan which Allah will double unto his credit and multiply it many times?’ [2:245] Giving is a beautiful habit, and it becomes more thoughtful when given away in the name of Allah. This concept teaches us … [lire la suite]

israeli court approves eviction of eight palestinian villages

Israeli court approves eviction of eight Palestinian villages

On Thursday, Israeli forces attacked the Al-Aqsa mosque compound in occupied East Jerusalem, leaving 16 Palestinians injured and dozens arrested, Al Jazeera reported. According to the Sama al-Quds medical center, injured Palestinians got 14 fractures due to rubber bullets and tear gas suffocation. The Red Crescent reported that two people … [lire la suite]

iftar meals around the world pictorial view

Iftar Meals Around the World – Pictorial View

Ramadan, the ninth month of the Islamic lunar calendar, is one of the most sacred months for Muslims worldwide. Allah Subhanahu wa’ ta’ala assigned this Holy month to His followers, so they practiced fasting, worshipping, and reflecting. This month has another significance as the Holy Quran was revealed to the … [lire la suite]

7 principles of responsive parenting in 2022

7 Principles of Responsive Parenting in 2022

What is Responsive Parenting? Parents influence a child’s life and overall development, be it mental, physical, or emotional. Hence a great responsibility lies on parents to provide their kids with a good upbringing, a safe environment, a strong knowledge of faith and religion besides good education. This article will help … [lire la suite]

which muslim prayer apps are secretly harvesting your phone numbers

Which Muslim Prayer Apps are secretly harvesting your phone numbers?

Do you know which Muslim prayer apps are secretly harvesting your phone numbers? Not all, but there could be a few. Google has recently banned several mobile applications from its Play Store after researchers revealed they contained hidden code to collect private consumer data secretly. The personal user data included … [lire la suite]

go green this ramadan 7 tips to make this month eco friendly

Go Green this Ramadan – 7 Tips to make this month Eco-friendly

Ramadan is a month of blessings, peace, and spiritual cleansing. This month holds immense importance for Muslims worldwide as it brings different food for thought. With the blessed days and nights of Ramadan, Muslims get a chance to be more dutiful towards performing worship acts, and it teaches us our … [lire la suite]

turkeys hagia sophia holds the first taraweeh prayers in 88 years

Turkey’s Hagia Sophia holds the first Taraweeh prayers in 88 years

Istanbul’s iconic landmark opened its doors for Muslims as Hagia Sophia holds the first Taraweeh prayers in almost 88 years, TRT World reported. Muslims worldwide gathered to perform Ramadhan prayers after many decades since it became a museum in 1934. Pictures show heartwarming images of hundreds of Muslims gathered to … [lire la suite]

letafghangirlslearn trending as taliban closed down girls high schools

#LetAfghanGirlsLearn trending as Taliban closed down girls’ high schools

Schoolgirls in Afghanistan face extreme disappointment as Taliban orders to close down girls’ high schools after reopening, Al Jazeera reported. Schools had to reopen in the country after more than 180 days since they had shut down after the Taliban took control in August. However, the ministry of education announced … [lire la suite]

how to practice patience during ramadan islamic tips guide

How to Practice Patience during Ramadan – Islamic Tips & Guide

What is patience? Islam is a religion of peace that teaches its followers certain fundamental characteristics to lead a disciplined and prosperous life in this world and the hereafter. The fundamental values Islam has given to Muslims include a wide range of subjects related to a person’s social, economic, emotional, … [lire la suite]

un designates 15 march as international day to combat islamophobia

UN designates 15 March as International Day to Combat Islamophobia

A memorable event took place in the history of the United Nations as the United Nations General Assembly has declared March 15 as International Day to combat Islamophobia by consensus. Pakistan was the only country to initiate this resolution on behalf of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC). This day … [lire la suite]

how to celebrate ramadan spiritually

How to Celebrate Ramadan Spiritually?

Muslims across the world celebrate the month of Ramadan with great zeal and spirit as it is the best month to seek nearness and forgiveness of Allah, The Exalted. The Holy Ramadan comes every year to help Muslims refresh their faith and engage themselves in deep prayers and supplications so … [lire la suite]

how to deal with anger 6 islamic tips to control anger

How to Deal with Anger – 6 Islamic Tips to Control Anger

All of us get angry and express our anger in specific ways, as being angry is a natural emotion, but it comes with specific harmful outcomes. Have we pondered why we show resentment or intense reaction to certain situations and how badly it affects our mental and emotional health? These … [lire la suite]

importance of hygiene in islam

Importance of Hygiene in Islam 

Truly, God loves those who turn unto Him in repentance and loves those who purify themselves. (Quran 2:222) Islam has emphasized the importance of hygiene and cleanliness in our daily lives. No society can ignore the immense benefits of cleanliness as every faith and religion considers cleanliness one of the … [lire la suite]

islamic ethics in business how to trade ethically

Islamic Ethics in Business – How to Trade Ethically

Ethics in Islam Muslims hold privilege over other people in business due to their religious principles and guidance in day-to-day business needs. The belief in the Oneness of God not only serves as a motivation factor. But it demands an obligation to adhere to Islamic laws in each aspect of … [lire la suite]

russia invasion of ukraine world responds to ukraine crisis

Russia Invasion of Ukraine – World Responds to Ukraine Crisis

Russia has launched a deadly military attack on Ukraine as heavy gunfire was heard across the European democratic state, and Russian forces are invading the capital, Kyiv. Dmytro Kuleba, Foreign Minister of Ukraine, reportedly warned about a full-scale invasion earlier. Russia initiated the devastating attack by all modes; sea, land, … [lire la suite]

beijing olympics 2022 continue amidst diplomatic boycott on ongoing uyghur genocide

Beijing Olympics 2022 Continue Amidst Diplomatic Boycott on Ongoing Uyghur Genocide

Beijing Winter Olympics have been under discussion for many reasons, including China’s no-COVID protocol and the most controversial systematic genocide of Uyghurs, a minority ethnic community. Media and news publications must highlight the other issue more as it is labeled “Xinjiang emergency” by religious scholars and analysts. More than one … [lire la suite]

7 islamic productivity tips if youre a student simple guide to productivity

7 Islamic Productivity Tips If You’re a Student – Simple Guide To Productivity

How many times have you lost count of falling asleep while preparing for your final examination? Or had trouble focusing on the contents of assignments? Such situations happen while you are trying to concentrate on improving your grades but fail to give your best. You are not alone if you … [lire la suite]

france women barred from wearing hijab in sports

Hijab banned for women in sports

Muslim Women in France are certainly not happy with the recent Hijab ban for girls under 18 in competitive sports. As the French Senate approves a bill to ban women from wearing religious veils, called headscarves, thousands of Muslim women raised their concerns and recorded their displeased responses on the … [lire la suite]

la chine augmente ses elevages de porcs et force les ouighours a en manger

La Chine augmente ses élevages de porcs et force les Ouïghours musulmans à en manger

Cela fait plus de 2 ans que Sayragul Sautbay a été libéré d’un camp de rééducation dans la région la plus occidentale de la Chine, le Xinjiang. Pourtant, la mère de 2 enfants souffre encore de cauchemars et de flashbacks dus à « l’humiliation et la violence » qu’elle a … [lire la suite]

reprise des 5 prieres quotidiennes et de la priere du vendredi dans les mosquees

Reprise des 5 prières quotidiennes et de la prière du vendredi dans les mosquées

L’article 47 a été modifié. Les mots : « dans la limite de 30 personnes. » sont remplacés par les mots : « pour lesquelles l’accueil du public est organisé dans les conditions suivantes : » Deux alinéas ont ainsi été rédigés : « Une distance minimale de 2 emplacements est … [lire la suite]

des actes contraires a lislam pour defendre lislam et les musulmans

Des actes contraires à l’islam pour défendre l’islam et les musulmans

Une des questions qu’on oublie de se poser avant tout est la suivante : Est-ce que le prophète permettrait que quand quelqu’un insulte notre religion, les musulmans descendent dans les rues pour brûler des bâtiments ou des drapeaux, ou pire, tuent des gens ? Jamais de telles actions n’auraient été … [lire la suite]

attentat de la mecque en 1979 les musulmans sont aussi victimes du terrorisme

Attentat de La Mecque en 1979 : prise d’otage, des centaines de morts, les musulmans sont aussi victimes du terrorisme

Aux premières heures du 20 novembre 1979, quelque 50 000 fidèles du monde entier se sont rassemblés pour les prières de l’aube dans la cour entourant la Kaaba. Parmi eux, se sont mêlés 200 hommes dirigés par un terroriste de 40 ans appelé Jouhayman al-Outaybi. Alors que l’imam terminait de … [lire la suite]

sam. 21 Mouharram
السبت 21 محرّم

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