Dire al hamdoulillah ou astaghfiroullah après avoir roté

Beaucoup de personnes demandent pardon à Allah (astaghfiroullah) ou louent Allah (al hamdoulillah) après avoir rôté. Est-ce rapporté dans les textes ou est-ce une innovation (bid'ah) ?
dire al hamdoulillah ou astaghfiroullah apres avoir rote
Crédit d'image : Coca-Cola®
Publié le 4 janvier 2019, par Samir | 16 h 25 min
Temps de lecture : 2 minutes

Burping releases air from the stomach, which can produce a loud sound depending on the air expelled. This typically occurs after eating or drinking a carbonated beverage. Although some individuals can voluntarily burp, the world record for the longest burp is held by an American who ejected for 18 seconds after consuming over 7 liters of soda. However, let’s return to the original topic.

Nothing in the Sunnah indicates that the Muslim must say something after roasting. No dhikr is specified, nor praising Allah, asking for forgiveness, or other words. A man burped in front of the Prophet (sallallahu alayhi wa sallam), and he did not tell him to say anything after burping. In a hadith reported by At-Tirmidhi, he replied: « Spare us your burps because those who in this world are the most full will on the day of judgment be the longest torn by hunger. »

Can you say « al hamdoulillah » after burping?

If someone regularly praises Allah in all situations, including when enjoying a full meal, which is seen as a blessing from Allah, there is no issue with it. However, if they believe that such an act is necessary in Islam and will bring them closer to Allah, there is no evidence to support this belief. It is not a prescribed practice in Islam.

The Islamic Perspective

The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) didn’t give specific actions after burping. A hadith from Imam Tirmidhi says, « Spare us your burps, for those who are most full in this world will be the hungriest on the Day of Judgment. »

This hadith teaches us to eat and drink in moderation. It warns against overindulgence and encourages mindful eating.

The Role of Hamdulillah

Many Muslims say Hamdulillah to thank Allah for all blessings. Saying Hamdulillah after burping is not required by Islam.

The main thing is to be polite, eat less, and thank Allah for our food and drinks.

Practical Tips and Advice

  • Mindful Eating: Listen to your body, and don’t overeat.
  • Dietary Choices: Drink less soda and eat foods that don’t make you gassy.
  • Good Table Manners: Be quiet and don’t slurp at the table.
  • Gratitude: Say thanks for your food and drinks with Hamdulillah or in other ways.

By following these tips, we can act in line with Islamic values. This helps us eat and drink healthily and thoughtfully.

sam. 9 Sha'bane
السبت 9 شعبان

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