How to Keep Your Faith Strong in Challenging Times?

how to keep your faith strong in challenging times
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Publié le 26 septembre 2022, par Samir | 17 h 38 min
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

‘And among people, there is such a one who worships Allah only by the tongue, so that if good befalls him, he is satisfied in addition to that, and if a trial afflicts him, he turns back his face; he losses this world and (also) the Hereafter; that is indeed the manifest loss.’

– [Surah Al-Hajj Verse 11]

Among the blessings from Allah SWT, faith is a precious gift that can help us sail through challenging moments in our life. One of Allah SWT’s most incredible mercy and kindness towards His creation is that he blessed us with the fruit of faith. Hence, faith helps you stay cheerful and content if you feel hopeless or discouraged. This blog will teach you how to keep your faith strong in challenging times.

How to Keep Your Faith Strong in Challenging Times?

Life throws different challenging phases; you might be going through a health emergency, a job loss, a broken relationship, or a loved one’s loss. When such circumstances fall upon you, you can quickly lose hope and fall victim to despair and negativity. You can be so hopeless that trusting in Allah SWT’s kindness might become a challenge. So, what should you do to have firm faith in challenging times? How can you build a healthy relationship with your Lord at times of uncertainty? Let’s understand it through five practical ways by which you can keep your faith intact in the face of a calamity or uncertainty.

1. Strengthen Faith with Prayer

A true Muslim strongly believes in the power of prayers and building a pure bond with his Creator. When you pray sincerely in front of Allah SWT and share your worries, it helps you relives your stress and anxiety. Prayers are a powerful tool in building your connection with the Almighty and an excellent way to cleanse your mind and soul. 

Build a closer connection with Allah SWT by praying wholeheartedly, and you will notice a sense of contentment in your thoughts. When you leave matters to Allah SWT, He pulls us out of challenging situations and makes things easier.

2. Meditate to Get Clarity

Meditation is another powerful tool that helps you gain clarity in your thoughts. It is a spiritual exercise in which you shut yourself down and emphasize praying and studying the Holy Qur’an. When you meditate, you dedicate your time to reflect on Allah SWT’s attributes regarding your learnings. It also implies pondering the facts you study in the Holy Qur’an.

How can you practice meditation? Seek a calm, quiet spot where you can sit with the Holy Qur’an, a notepad, and a pen. Be grateful to Allah SWT, and keep your focus on the Holy teachings. Memorize a few verses daily and study them deeply to understand their real meaning. If you find a verse or chapter interesting, note it and give it an analytical thought.

Try to keep your mind free from any external thoughts while practicing meditation.

3. Speak to Your Family or a Professional

Pouring your heart out to someone you blindly trust could be another practical tool. Feeling overwhelmed and exhausted when life becomes challenging is okay, but bottling your emotions harms your mental well-being. Communication with someone can help you realign your life and assess what’s crucial for your faith and what might harm you.

You can talk to your brother, sister, or a reliable friend to help you fix your negative thoughts. However, if you experience extreme anxiety or an overwhelming situation, seek professional help and speak to a counselor.

4. Read The Holy Qur’an

When the external environment feels too taxing, switch off everything and pick up the Holy Book. The Holy Qur’an is the best source of comfort and peace in this noisy world. The Quranic verses and incredible Prophet stories help you overcome your worries and feel relaxed.

Allah SWT’s words in the Holy Qur’an are powerful and calming; as you continue reading the Holy words, you will feel much better. When everything else fails, you can befriend Allah’s magnificent Book and find hope in an otherwise hopeless world.

« And thus have We sent it (The Qur’an) down, (as) clear signs, and that verily Allah guides whomsoever He intends. » – [Surah Hajj v:16]

5. Exercise keeps you active.

Your physical health depends on your mental and spiritual health. Spending time exercising helps you boost your mood and brush off negative thoughts. If you can’t go to the gym, simply put on your running shoes and take a brief walk in the park. You will notice a noticeable change in your mood, and your heart and mind will be a little fresher to take on the following challenges life throws.

mer. 20 Rabi' 2
الأربعاء 20 ربيع الآخر

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