Women Companions of the Prophet (PBUH): Al-Shifa bint Abdullah

women companions of the prophet pbuh al shifa bint abdullah
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Publié le 28 juillet 2022, par Samir | 11 h 50 min
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

The beloved Prophet of Allah, Hazrat Muhammad Mustafa (peace and blessing be upon him), had several faithful companions who helped him on all fronts for the propagation of Islam. Among the women companions of the Prophet (PBUH), Al-Shifa bint Abdullah (RA) was one of the first Muslims whose name is relatively unknown. In this article, we will learn about this great Sahabia and revive her memory.

Women Companions of the Prophet (PBUH): Al-Shifa bint Abdullah

Shifa bint Abdullah al-adawiya was the daughter of Abdullah ibn Abdi Shams and Fatima bint Wahab. She was married to Abu Hathma ibn Hudhayfa (R.A.), and they had two sons, Sulayman and Masruq (R.A.). She is popularly known as Shifa bint Abdullah al-Qurashiya al-Adawiya, which reveals that she was from Quraysh and belonged to the tribe of Banu Adi from where Hazrat Umer ibn Khattab belonged.

She was among the early Muslims.

If we turn the pages of history, we will learn that her reputation precedes Islam. She was considered among the first people who entered the fold of Islam. Her real name was Layla, while Al-Shifa was her nickname as the healer. That name and trait remained with her for the rest of her life.

What makes Al-Shifa bint Abdullah a significant companion?

First, it was her wisdom; she had a reputation for her hikmah. Secondly, she was associated with a small group of knowledgeable people in those times. Al-Shifa was among the few women in Mecca who could read and write, as only a handful of people could do so. She learned the skill of reading and writing, which was rare then.

Al-Shifa was a great calligrapher.

She also learned medicine and hence got the title, Al-Shifa. Moreover, she was also a great calligrapher; she didn’t only know how to write but also taught people how to do calligraphy. Hazrat Hafsa, the wife of Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), was also a student of Al-Shifa bint Abdullah.

History doesn’t reveal the exact time she became Muslim, but within the first three years of the call of the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), she embraced Islam. Al-Shifa was among the first women to make the hijra with the Prophet (SAWW) to Medina. The Holy Prophet (SAWW) trusted her so much that he took her as a confidant; he used to take her advice in different matters due to her wisdom. Rasool Allah (SAWW) would consult her due to her specific expertise on the subject, particularly in finance and the marketplace.

Al-Shifa’s home in Medina

Since she was one of the few women to make hijrah, Al-Shifa bint Abdullah had a house set up for her between the masjid and the marketplace as they reached Medina. That house became very popular in Medina as the home of Al-Shifa. Hence, in Mecca, she was famous for her knowledge, wisdom, and healing. In Medina, her home became popular, wherein the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW) visited her often.

Al-Shifa would always anticipate the next time the Messenger of Allah (peace and blessings be upon him) would visit her family. She had kept particular belongings like izar, a blanket for the Prophet Muhammad (SAWW), so that he would use them on his rare visits. Al-Shifa had immense respect and reverence for the Prophet (SAWW), and she always wished to host him in Medina. It is indeed a great honor for Al-Shifa to host the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) frequently in Medina to seek knowledge from him, be his companion and receive consultation from him.

What things did she inherit?

When she passed away, the most precious belongings she left for inheritance were not any of the wealth she accumulated in Mecca or during her time in Medina. She inherited nothing from her husband; her most possessed belongings were those clothes, blankets, and everything else that the Prophet (SAWW) used during his visits to Al-Shifa’s place. She permitted her children, Sulayman and Masruq, to inherit those belongings.

Narration from Abu Dawood

According to an authentic hadith in Abu Dawood, she says, ‘The Prophet (SAWW) entered upon Hafsa and me when we were sitting together, and he said to me:’

« Will you not teach Hafsa how to perform a type of healing for ant bites, infections that result from ant bites, the same way you taught her how to read and write? » It was because she was a healer and knew medicine and ruqya, and the Prophet (SAWW) allowed her to continue doing ruqya as per the teachings of the Qur’an and Sunnah. Hence she had particular expertise in treating ant bites.

Al-Shifa, in charge of the marketplace

When Hazrat Umer bin Khattab (RA) became caliph, he appointed Al-Shifa (RA) in charge of the marketplace, and he used to consult her on the marketplace, the fiqh of finance and business issues, etc. He used to visit her, too, following the Sunnah of the Prophet (SAWW). Al-Shifa’s son, Masruq, was appointed as an Amir at some place, as he was knowledgeable and reputed.

Her other son, Sulayman, was known for his recitation of the Qur’an and extended worship. He was a Hafiz and used to lead people during prayer. Furthermore, her entire lineage continued through her son, Sulayman, who had two sons, Abu Bakr and Uthman.

Al-Shia (RA) has narrated many famous ahadith, in one of which she asked the Holy Prophet (SAWW), « What are the best of actions? » And he said, « The belief in Allah (SWT), to strive in the path of Allah and an accepted Hajj. » This narration also came through Al-Shifa bint Abdullah (RA).

May Allah guide us all to follow the footsteps of great personalities like Al-Shifa bint Abdullah (RA) and strive to become practicing believers.

mer. 20 Rabi' 2
الأربعاء 20 ربيع الآخر

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