Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Salman al-Farsi

companions of the prophet muhammad pbuh salman al farsi
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Publié le 22 juin 2022, par Samir | 13 h 02 min
Temps de lecture : 8 minutes

The early advent of Islam witnessed the contributions of many prominent personalities who entered into the fold of Islam and served it till their last breath by all means. Salman al-Farsi was one such pious, mystic, and loyal companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH).

This article discusses the early life, personality, and the significant role he played in the subsistence of Islam. Let’s get insights into the life of this loyal companion of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Salman al-Farsi.

Companions of the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Salman al-Farsi

Born and raised in Isfahan, Persia, Salman was the son of one of the chiefs of the village, Jayyan. He belonged to a wealthy and influential family, and his father loved him so much that he kept him close. As time passed, Salman reverted to Christianity, and soon after he met the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), he embraced Islam.

Salman al-Farsi not only became the first Muslim from Persia but rendered excellent services for Muslim unity and harmony. He was raised under the guidance of the Messenger of Allah and contributed to different battles.

Biography & Early Life

Salman al-Farsi took birth in 568 A.D. in a little town called Jiyye (presently known as Isfahan). Before converting to Islam, his Persian name was Rozeba. However, after becoming a Muslim several years later, his name changed to Salman. While he used to be in the company of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), his companions would call him Abu Abdullah (the father of Abdullah).

Since his father was a wealthy landlord with considerable wealth and lands in the country, Salman lived a lavish lifestyle while staying with his father. During that era, most of the Persians used to follow the Persian prophet Zoroaster. Salman learned the same religion’s teachings and principles and, as a teenager, reached the peak of the Persian beliefs.

Salman’s embracing of Islam

Let’s understand when and how Salman al-Farsi embraced Islam through his narration.

« I left the house for a while, making inquiries. I asked a woman I met from the city whose entire family had become Muslim. She showed me the way to the Prophet.

When it was evening, I took some food with me and went to the Prophet. The Prophet was in Quba at the time. I said, « Word has reached me that you are a very pious man and have some travelers in your company. I had some charity and thought that you would most deserve it. That is it; you may have some to eat. » The Prophet withdrew his hand, not eating from it, but told his Companions to eat. At the time, I thought, « This is one of the characteristics my Mentor told me off. »

I saw the Prophet heading to Madinah. I took the food to him, saying, « I saw you were not eating from this charity. I presented it as a gift and not charity. » The Prophet also ate with his Companions.

Later, I approached the Prophet as he walked behind the corpse at a funeral. I remember that at the time, he was covered in two sheets and his Companions were with him.

I was trying to steal a look at the Seal on his back when the Prophet saw me glancing. Realizing that I wanted to verify what someone had told me, he let his cloak drop a little, and I managed to see that the Seal between his shoulder blades was precisely how my Mentor had described it. I threw myself down before the Prophet (PBUH), kissed (his blessed hands/feet), and started to cry. The Holy Prophet said, « O Salman! Reveal your story. »

So I sat in front of him, relating my story to him and hoping his Companions could also hear it. When I had finished, the Prophet said, « O Salman! Make a deal with your owner to free you. »

Consequently, my master did agree to free me, but in exchange for the following: ‘Three hundred date trees, as well as one thousand, six hundred silver coins.’ Hence, the Sahaba helped by providing around twenty to thirty date plants each and a tenth of every man’s land following how much he owned. The Prophet (PBUH) said, « Dig a hole for each date plant. When you are finished, let me know so that I can personally fix all the date plants into place with my own hands. » Thus, with the help of my friends, I dug holes wherever the date plants were to be put.

Later on, the Prophet came. We stood by his side, holding the plants as he fixed them. I swear by The Being Who sent the Prophet with the Truth, not a single plant died.

Nevertheless, I still had the silver to pay. A man came to the Prophet bringing from the mines some gold roughly the size of a pigeon’s egg. The Prophet said, « O Salman! Take this and pay off whatever you have to. »

I replied, « O Messenger of Allah! How will this be enough for my debt? »

He said, « Allah will surely make it sufficient for your debt. »

As a result of this statement, I swear By Allah, it outweighed the one thousand, six hundred coins. I not only paid off my dues but what I had left with me was equivalent to what I had given them. »

Salman as a person

Salman’s life is an ultimate example of courage, devotion, and loyalty. He had a unique desire to gain religious knowledge and wisdom and stood at the highest degree of faith throughout his life. The Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (PBUH), on multiple occasions, recalled this exemplary character of Salman and said, « If religion were in the sky, Salman would acquire it. »

His life’s words and actions were based on sincerity and true faith. Abu Emameh narrates, « The day the Prophet was looking at the sky, we asked, « What are you looking at, O Prophet of Allah? » He replied, « I saw an angel was taking Salman’s deeds to the sky. » Prophet’s words are sufficient to understand the sanctity of Salman’s actions and speech.

He lived a simple life and earned his livelihood by working as a laborer; Salman would spend most of his earnings on charitable work. His simplicity is evident from the fact that his cloak was both his dress and a rug. His food was dry bread, salt, and water. 

He never wished for a new house for himself, even when a man requested to give him a house. Salman would say, « I do not need a house. » Upon further insistence, Salman accepted his offer on the condition that it would be the house where his head would touch the roof as he stood up. And when he lays down, his feet would touch the walls.

Salman as a Commander

Salman al-Farsi always accompanied our beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) in significant battles against the enemies of Islam. He proved a great defender in the Battle of Bani Quraidha, the Battle of Khaibar, the Conquest of Makkah, the Battle of Hunain, and the Battle of Tabook. He was also the pioneer in showing respect and esteem to the Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) under the tree, known as al-Ridhwan. He lived as a loyal companion, faithful Muslim, and honest commander.

As narrated by Amer bin Atiyeh, he realized Salman did not like eating. As he asked Salman, he replied, « What I have heard is enough for me. » This shows the divine insights he gained from Allah’s Apostle, Muhammad (PBUH), as he said, « The hungriest people in the Day of Judgment are the fullest in the world. Salman, this world is a prison for true believers and heaven for infidels. »

Prophet’s words about Salman al-Farsi

Amr ibn Ouf heard the Messenger of Allah saying, « Salman is one of us, Ahl Bayt. » Before him, nobody among the companions earned this high-level title which shows he is a guide, role model, and an inspiring character for all Muslims.

One Hadith says, « Each Prophet had seven helpers and protectors; I was given fourteen. Ali, Hasan and Hussain, Hamzah, Abu Bakr, Umar, Masaab Ibn Ameer, Bilal, Salman, Amar, Abdullah Ibn Masood, Abu Dhar and Miqdad. »

Abu Huraira said that the Prophet once recited this verse: ‘As well as others of them, who have not already joined them.’ [Qur’an 62:3]. The companions asked, ‘O Prophet of Allah, who are these people?’ The Prophet put his hand on Salman and replied, ‘If faith were near the Pleiads, then someone from them would attain it.’ [Bukhari and Muslim]

In another narration through Abu Huraira, the Prophet recited this verse: « If ye turn back, He will substitute in your stead another people, then they would not be like you. » [Qur’an 47:38] The companions inquired, « O Prophet, who are these people that Allah has mentioned, that he would choose them instead of us? That they will not do as we did? » The Messenger of Allah (PBUH) mentioned Salman and said, « It will be his people. And even if faith is near the Surya (the Pleiads), the Persians would attain it. »

Salman al Farsi led his entire life in the quest for knowledge, wisdom, and faith and left no opportunity to serve Islam as a commander, scholar, and priest. The Prophet’s (PBUH) love and respect for Salman al-Farsi show how great of a person and companion he was. Thus his life is an excellent example for Muslims worldwide to take inspiration from his loyalty, dedication, and selfless companionship. We must follow his great pearls of wisdom and make him our role model to lead a productive life according to the Islamic teachings and Sunnah.

May The Almighty be pleased with His devoted servant and elevate his ranks with His Bounty and Mercy.

mer. 20 Rabi' 2
الأربعاء 20 ربيع الآخر

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