Companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Abu Ayub Al Ansari

companions of prophet muhammad pbuh abu ayub al ansari
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Publié le 18 juillet 2022, par Samir | 13 h 02 min
Temps de lecture : 4 minutes

This individual was one of the outstanding Ansaar (helpers) of the Holy Prophet (peace and blessings be upon him) and a man who indeed welcomed the Holy Messenger (PBUH) and his family to his house for months. He attained martyrdom; today, his grave is found in Istanbul, Turkey. In this article, we will learn about one of the companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH), Abu Ayub Al Ansari.

Abu Ayub Al Ansari, also known as Khaled bin Zaid is an excellent example of a sahabi of the Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) who deserves praise, recognition, and understanding for his life. He was a renowned narrator of Hadith. His real name is Khaled bin Zayd, but later, he became popularly known as Abu Ayub through his ‘kunniah’ (patronymic).

Companions of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH): Abu Ayub Al Ansari

Abu Ayub was one of the descendants of the man by the name of Tubbah, who is mentioned in the Holy Qur’an as the ‘tribe of Tubbah’, and that man died thousands of years before the birth of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

Initially, Abu Ayub Al Ansari (RA) resided in Yathrib (modern-day Medina) and belonged to the ‘Khazraj’ tribe. The first emergence of Abu Ayub in history occurred when he went to Mecca, accompanying sixty-nine other people to offer allegiance to Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) during the Hajj. However, one significant aspect of Abu Ayub’s life was the event when Prophet (PBUH) and his family arrived in Medina. It is because the life in which Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessing be upon him) stayed was the house of Abu Ayub Al Ansari (RA). According to authentic narrations, he stayed in that house for approximately seven months.

Abu Ayub as the host of Allah’s Messenger (PBUH)

We had read and admired this incident numerous times when Allah’s Messenger (PBUH) arrived in Medina, and the Ansaar greeted him with great love and respect. He (PBUH) would say, « allow my camel, and wherever my camel sits, that is where we will build our mosque. » The camel sat on a piece of land very close to the house of Abu Ayub Al Ansari (RA). Abu Ayub was delighted by the Holy Prophet’s decision (PBUH) to stay in his house. It was indeed an honor for Abu Ayub that among so many people of Medina who requested the Holy Prophet (PBUH) to reside in their house, he chose Abu Ayub Al Ansari (RA) to be his host.

Abu Ayub was a simple man.

However, Abu Ayub was not a wealthy businessman but was known for his simplicity. He was amongst the poor individuals of Medina. Yet, he received the honor of hosting Allah’s Messenger, which teaches us that the measure of an individual’s success does not depend on his wealth but on his morals, character, and dignity. By becoming Abu Ayub’s guest, the beloved Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) uprooted the ill egocentric concepts prevalent in society. Abu Ayub was welcoming and hospitable to the Holy Prophet (PBUH), his family, and other companions. He would offer them food and other necessities whenever they would visit his house to meet Allah’s Messenger (PBUH). Abu Ayub used to say, ‘I love serving Holy Prophet food because anything that remains I would have because I am having the barakah of the Holy Prophet (PBUH).’ Sometimes he would eat together with the Prophet (PBUH).

« Whosoever believes in Allah (SWT) and the Day of Judgement must be hospitable and generous towards their guests. »

In another narration, the beloved Messenger (PBUH) said: « If a house does not welcome guests, the angels are also not welcome. »

Abu Ayub as an active participant in Battles

Abu Ayub was a brilliant person as far as being the guest of the Prophet (peace be upon him). He fought alongside the Holy Prophet (PBUH) in the battles of Badr, Uhud, and Khandaq, and he had the spirit of loyalty and obedience to the Holy Prophet (PBUH). He used to keep his words and was always ready to do anything for the Holy Prophet (PBUH).

His life is indeed an example for Muslims worldwide today. We must ask ourselves if we obey the Holy Prophet (PBUH) and his commandments the way Abu Ayub Al Ansari (RA) and other righteous companions did. Are we following the religion as per the Quranic teachings and Ahadith or according to our choices?

Abu Ayub Al Ansari was amongst the loyal companions of the Prophet (PBUH) who stood to execute his commands as difficult as sacrificing his relatives who were creating harm to people in Medina. He was also an outstanding narrator of Hadith.

In the year 52, after Hijrah, he left this world due to sickness. Yet his grave today is in one of the iconic places at the Sultan Ayub mosque in Istanbul, Turkey. Hundreds of thousands of people visit it annually, which the Ottoman rulers held in great esteem. He wanted to be buried in Constantinople when he was about to die as he heard the Holy Prophet (PBUH) say, « On the outskirts of walls of there will be an individual who will be buried from amongst my righteous companions. He said maybe I am that. »

May Allah (SWT) grant us the wisdom and guidance to follow in the footsteps of these honorable individuals.

sam. 9 Sha'bane
السبت 9 شعبان

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