Prayer Time Portici
World > Europe > Italy > Portici
Today : Saturday 8 February 2025
- Fajr : 05:32
- Sunrise : 07:05
- Dhuhr : 12:17
- Asr : 15:05
- Maghrib : 17:32
- Isha : 18:56
What are the prayer times for Portici in Italy ? Fajr prayer in Portici begins at 5:32 AM according to MWL and maghrib prayer at 5:32 PM.The distance from Portici [latitude : 40.81563, longitude : 14.33716] to Makkah is . The population of Portici is 55,765 people.
Salat Timetable Portici
At what time is salat in Portici ?
The upcoming prayer is :
FAJR in : 00 H 00 MIN |
Awkat salat Portici for today, the 08/02/2025 :
Muslim World League (MWL) Fajr : 18° | Isha : 17°
Salat time Portici for the week :
Friday prayer time in Portici :
اليوم Day |
صلاة الجمعة Friday prayer |
Fri 7 |
12:17 PM |
Fri 14 |
12:17 PM |
Fri 21 |
12:16 PM |
Fri 28 |
12:15 PM |
Prayer time in Portici for the month :
Salat times in Portici according to hijri calendar
Searches related to prayer times at Portici :
- What are the prayer times at Portici ?
- Awkat salat Portici
- Mosque prayer time Portici
- Muslim prayer time at Portici
- Prayers calendar at Portici
Prayer times for cities around Portici |